PAOC Mission Statement
“TO MAKE DISCIPLES EVERYWHERE by the proclamation and the practice of the gospel of Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit; to establish local congregations and to train spiritual leaders.”
Statement of Faith We Believe
- the Holy Scriptures to be the divinely inbreathed, infallible, inerrant, and authoritative Word of God
- that there is one God, eternally existent in the Persons of the Holy Trinity
- in the virgin birth of the Load Jesus Christ, His deity, His sinless humanity and perfect life, the eternal all-sufficiency of His atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the Father's right hand, and His personal coming again at His second advent
- that justification is a judicial act of God on the believer's behalf solely on the merits of Christ, and that regeneration by the power of the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for personal salvation
- in holy living, the present day reality of the baptism in the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the Lord's supernatural healing of the human body
- in Christ's Lordship of the Church, the observance of the ordinances of Christian baptism by immersion for believers and the Lord's Supper
- in the eternal blessedness of the redeemed in heaven and the eternal doom of the unregenerate in the lake of fire
At KCSS We Valued
- GOD: His Word, and His creation, His redemptive purpose in Christ for the world, and His presence through the Holy Spirit.
- People without Christ to whom we owe the compassion of Christ, and an opportunity to receive the Gospel and enter into Christian fellowship.
- Our Teachers, as individuals, and their personal commitment to their families, students, and fellow workers, as we encourage each other to model Christ-likeness.
- Our Students, their families and family life.
- Education, that stimulates the spirit, mind and body thus developing whole persons who will glorify God in all aspects of their lives.
- The community, its peoples, and community life by providing quality education to all and a Godly witness.
- Local churches and organizations which are marked by sound Christian doctrine, and demonstrate a practical expression of their Christian faith.
- Cooperative relationships that enhance the school's ability to fulfill its mandate, through a shared vision, flexible structures, and strategic mobilization of our resources.
Ka Chi Secondary School exists to prepare students for service and leadership through a commitment to excellence by providing the best in spiritual, intellectual, social and physical development, based on a solid foundation of Christian principles and practices. SPONSORED BY THE PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES OF CANADA